The Fixer Lifestyle Group

Apr 9, 20201 min

Corona Virus (COVID 19) 2020 update

Updated: Mar 21, 2022

We wish all our clients, staff, suppliers and partners continued good health and our support during these difficult times now and the foreseeable future. We have supported our staff from day by allowing home working and allowing staff to travel to their home countries. We are well placed to set this up and implemented this from day 1 to ensure their good health.


It has been heartening to see the kindness displayed by our clients in support of our business and of the wider community and the NHS. We too have supported them by providing a free travel advisory service for those who were struggling to get home and knowing their rights. This has been greatly appreciated and widely used.

We are open for business as usual, although it may take a day or so to revert with specifics responses due to the nature of the virus and the impact it is having on businesses and their employees.

We're looking forward to helping to assist all our existing clients and new clients. In the meantime we're working on some new experiences and can't wait to share them with you when the time is right.

Until then Keep well, keep safe and stay home.

The Fixer Lifestyle Group.